Friday, July 17, 2009


PAKISTAN was thus born on 14 AUGUST 1947. THE new state of pakistan consisted of two wings: west and east pakistan west pakistan comprised west punjab , sindh , balochistan and the north west fontier province in addition ten princely states joined pakistan , including bahawalpur , khairpur , chitral , lasbela and kalat east pakistan consisted of the old province of east bengal with yhe addition of the district of sylhet, which had voted in a referendum to join pakistan . after the excitment and joy of independence, the first government of pakistan had look at its problems. THE QUAID-I-AZAM Muhammad ali jinnah , had been sworn in as the first governor - general of pakistan with liaquat ali khan , his faithful lieutennant as the first prime minister the territory of the new state was in two parts , separated by thousands of kilometres of Indian land the new country lacked skilled manpower , an education workforce and even a basic physical and administrative machinery . It was not until 16 August 1947 that Pakistan was even told the exact demarcation of its border with India . However perhaps the most serious problem for the new state was dying and had been very ill even as he was working hard to creat the state Jinnah had spent the previous few years in severe pain, fighiting against tuberculosis. He knew that he had little time to live and had been worried that the protection he soyght for the muslims may not be achieved during his lifetime. His speech on 11 agust 1947 to the future constituent assembly of pakistan ,before the flag of Pakistan had even been unfurled. It is important enough to be quoted in full.

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