Friday, July 24, 2009

The India-Pakistan War 1965

This war is also known as the Second Kashmir War. The trigger for this war was the infiltration of Pakistani troupes in India with the aim of recapturing Kashmir. This region is divided between the two countries since 1947 and it has remained a bone of contention ever since. Pakistan had called this maneuver ‘Operation Gibraltar’. In August 1965 the troupes of both countries crosses the cease-fire borders and captured cities in the opposite territories.
The war mostly fought by the infantry and air forces escalated out of control by September 1965 when China threatened to intervene. USA and Great Britain prevented this from happening by appealing to UN and as a result of their intervention India and Pakistan withdrew their forces to the territory demarcated before the war commenced.
The then Prime Ministers of both countries, Mr Lal Bahadur Shashti (India) and Mr Ayub Khan met subsequently in Tashkent (USSR) in January 1966 to sign an agreement which binds both the countries to peace and observance of cease-fire terms and conditions.

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